Submersible Pressure Gauge (SPG) 52mm

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Tecline SPG 300bar

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What is a SPG & Scuba Diving Compass

When it comes to scuba diving, having the right equipment is crucial for a safe and enjoyable experience. One of the most important pieces of equipment for underwater navigation is a SPG and diving compass. On this page we will explore what a SPG and diving compass is and why it is essential for any diver.

What is a SPG?

A SPG, or submersible pressure gauge, is a device that measures the amount of air remaining in a diver’s tank. It typically consists of a gauge with a needle that indicates the pressure in the tank. A hose connects to the tank’s valve. The submersible gauge can withstand the pressure at various depths.

What is a Diving Compass?

A diving compass is a specialised compass designed for underwater use. It typically uses durable materials such as plastic or metal. Oil prevents water from entering and affecting its accuracy. The compass has a rotating bezel that sets the heading and a needle that points to magnetic north.

Why are they important for diving?

A SPG and diving compass are essential for any diver, especially for those who plan on navigating underwater. The SPG allows divers to monitor their air supply and plan their dive accordingly. It also serves as a safety measure, as running out of air while underwater can be dangerous.

The diving compass is crucial for underwater navigation. It allows divers to maintain their heading and stay on course, even in low visibility conditions. It is also useful for finding their way back to the surface or to a specific location.

How to use a SPG and diving compass?

Using a SPG and diving compass requires proper training and practice. Before a dive, it is essential to check that the SPG is functioning correctly. Ensuring that the needle is pointing to zero when the tank is empty. The diving compass also requires checking for accuracy and calibration if necessary.

During a dive, the diver should monitor the SPG regularly to ensure that the air supply is sufficient. The diver should also use the diving compass to maintain a heading and navigate through the water. It is important to keep the compass level and away from any metal objects that could affect its accuracy.

Tips for buying a SPG and diving compass

When purchasing a SPG and diving compass, it is important to choose a reliable and durable brand. Look for features such as a luminescent dial for low light conditions and a rotating bezel with clear markings. It is also essential to properly maintain and care for the equipment to ensure its longevity.

For more support with SPGs and diving compasses get in touch with us. Alternatively view our range of products here.